The Future War and Deterrence Conference

Early October this year Norwegian Atlantic Committee Secretary General, Kate Hansen Bundt, attended “The Future War and Deterrence Conference”, in the UK alongside other international experts.
The by-invitation-only conference was hosted by The Alphen Group and Wilton Park, with strong support by NATO and the UK Foreign Commonwealth.
The Future War and Deterrence Conference considered war and peace in 2035 and sought to consider how best to balance strategy, capability, and affordability to maintain credible deterrence and a sound defence during a political and economic crisis and still preserve the legitimate peace. The conference methodology centered around six working groups: affordability and resilience, future force, policy, industry, and innovation, as well as strategy and technology. Each working group addressed several challenges, including the question “what if deterrence fails?". Secretary General, Kate Hansen Bundt, chaired the “policy” working group.
The conference was considered a great success and spiked fruitful dialog and reflections, which subsequently resulted in comprehensive analysis and future policy recommendations. The working groups deliberations, including lessons from the war in Ukraine has been gathered in a joint conference report. The report is co-written by British General Lord Richards and our dear friend Professor Julian Lindley-French.
We are happy to publish this report in cooperation with other partners and hope our readers will find it interesting.
Find the direct link to the report here: