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About us

About the Norwegian Atlantic Committee

The Norwegian Atlantic Committee is politically independent. The goal is to contribute to increased knowledge and debate about Norwegian foreign, security and defence policy, with emphasis on Transatlantic cooperation and relations. The theme and events of the committee reflect the recent international events and solid geopolitical changes shaping Norway's surroundings. In later years, the Committee has gained a wide geographical and thematic field of interest.

The Secretary General

Kate Hansen Bundt has been Secretary General of the Norwegian Atlantic Committee since 2010. She is a political scientist and foreign policy analyst with particular interest in German, European and transatlantic security and strategy. She is a board member of NOREF (Norwegian Centre for Conflict Resolution), and a member of the council at Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI) in Oslo.

The Secretariat

Camilla C. Brune

Responsible for: “Sikkehertspolitisk dypdykk”, seminars, study trips, finance/administration

Field of study: NATO, security policy and political economy

Holds a bachelor’s degree in international business with a minor in political science form Westminster College, USA (2012) and a master’s degree in international political economy from Copenhagen Business School (2015). Her master thesis was conducted as a fellow at Fridtjof Nansen Institute and dealt with Russian gas relations with Ukraine, and the security and economic implications of these. During her studies, Camilla was also on exchange to Paris and Hong Kong.

Camilla was a trainee at the Norwegian delegation to the OSCE in Vienna in 2014 and has worked as a consultant at Borgarting Court of Appeal. She was a board member of YAYA Oslo the fall of 2015.

Anders A. Kveli

Responsible for: communication, social media, events and seminars

Field of study: Energy security, Russia and NATO

Anders holds a bachelor’s degree in international studies from Oslo Nye Høyskole (2017), and a Master’s degree in International Administration and Global Governance from the University of Gothenburg (2020). His master thesis dealt with the EU’s energy security in relation to an increased import of Russian gas in a time of the EU’s green transition. Anders also attended an Erasmus exchange study program during his master’s studies to Charles University in Prague.

Anders has earlier served his compulsory military service in the Royal Norwegian Air Force at the 139 air wing base of Bardufoss, where he later was promoted to second in command for his team of guard soldiers. Anders has also been engaged in the social committee and the student board during his time as a student both in Oslo and in Gothenburg.

Maia Malene Jacobsen

Informasjonsrådgiver Tel: +47 22 40 36 00 Mob: +47 92 03 76 58 Email:

Fagområde: Norsk utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk, EU, de transatlantiske relasjonene og politiske systemer.

Bachelorgrad i sammenliknende politikk fra Universitetet i Bergen (2017). Mastergrad i International Relations fra London School of Economics and Political Science (2019). Masteroppgaven omhandlet Norges fredspolitikk, og var en analyse av Norges deltakelse i fredsprosessen i Colombia fram til 2016. Bachelorgrad i journalistikk fra OsloMet (2023).

Maia var høsten 2015 praktikant ved Norges ambassade i Lisboa, og har jobbet som journalist i NRK Nyheter og i NTB. Hun var styremedlem i YATA Bergen våren 2020.

Arne Bård Dalhaug

Senior adviser Mob: +47 46 29 73 52 Email:

Lieutenant General, Arne Bård Dalhaug (Ret.) served as senior manager in the Luhansk Monitoring Team, for the Special Monitoring Mission Ukraine, OSCE from 2016 to 2019. Dalhaug has earlier been Commandant at the NATO Defense College in Rome, Italy from 2011 to 2014. Former Norwegian Representative for the NATO Military Committee from 2008 to 2011 and served as the Chief of Defence Staff/Deputy Chief of Defence from 2005 to 2008.

The board

The Atlantic Committee's board consists of eight members. The board is elected for a term of four years. The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected at the Committee's annual meeting. The board manages the Committee's activities in accordance with the guidelines drawn up at the annual meeting. The Secretary General is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Committee.


Grete Faremo


Petter H. Brubakk

Director General, FoodDrinkNorway / Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO)


Hårek Elvenes

Member of Parliament, Høyre (The Conservative Party)

Dag-Inge Ulstein

Member of parliament, Kristelig Folkeparti (Christian People's Party)

Bengt Fasteraune

Member of parliament, Senterpartiet (The Center Party)

Nils-Ole Foshaug


Ellen Kathrine Fauske

Deputy Head, International Department, Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO)

Morten Wold

Member of Parliament, Fremskrittspartiet (The Progress Party)

Petter H. Brubakk

Director General, FoodDrinkNorway / Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO)

Ola Elvestuen

Stortingsrepresentant, Venstre


The Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA) is an organization of 37 national members that, since 1954 has been conducting analyses, training, education, and information activities on foreign affairs and security issues relevant to the Atlantic Alliance. The Norwegian Atlantic Committee has been a member since the foundation of ATA.


Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA) Norway is a youth organization under the Norwegian Atlantic Committee constructed to raise awareness of security, defense and foreign policy issues among young professionals, students and cadets. Anyone is welcome as a member, you do not have to be an expert in the field. Your interest to learn and participate in our network is more than enough.

Ambassador Robert D. Stuart Jr. Fellowship

The Ambassador Robert D. Stuart Jr. Fellowship is awarded to young, politically active Norwegians under the age of 35 in order to spend a semester taking classes at the George Washington University and intern on Capitol Hill or in a think tank.