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Army Summit 2023 - The war in Ukraine; Impact on Future Land Power

The Norwegian Army and the Norwegian Atlantic Committee
11:00 AM -
--Ridehuset scene,
Akershus festning (Kirkegata, 0015, Oslo)

Army Summit 2023 will take place in Oslo on October 18th - save the date in your calendar and sign up to participate below!

Army Summit 2023 - Physical participation

This fall, the Norwegian Army and the Norwegian Atlantic Committee arrange Army Summit for the 15th time. Army Summit is all about sharing knowledge and discuss challenges for the land power. With a background of the ongoing war in Europe, the speakers will reflect upon where to head next, how and why.

– The brutal war in Ukraine is a daily battle both military, mentally and politically. Together with our allies in NATO we support Ukraine with donations of equipment and training. In doing this we also have an important opportunity to share observations and knowledge with Ukrainian soldiers and we will continue to support Ukraine as long as it takes. This year's Army Summit will discuss the ongoing war's implications for the current and future land power.

Major General Lars Lervik, Chief of the Norwegian Army

– The Russian Federation has challenged the European security order. Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine has brought heightened awareness and changes in NATO, with Finland’s admission and Sweden’s application for NATO Membership. This will strengthen NATO and especially improve the security dynamics in the Nordic region. The war in Ukraine has forced the Alliance and Ukraine to stand together and face a threat which endanger our common values and our freedom as sovereign countries.

Kate Hansen Bundt, Secretary-General, The Norwegian Atlantic Committee

Lt. Gen. John S. Kolasheski, Commanding General of the V Corps, U.S. Army and General Sir Patrick Sanders, Chief of the General Staff, the British Army are the keynote speakers of this year’s Army Summit.

The Nordic Army Chiefs will also participate.

Johanne Haarklou Jensen, Conscript Representative of the Norwegian Army will guide us through the program at Army Summit.

Name on the moderators for the panel discussions will be announced soon.

More information to follow.


Registration outside the conference venue, please bring your ID.

Program host: Johanne H. Jensen, conscript representative of the Norwegian Army

Session I:
11:00-12:30: The war in Ukraine’s impact on Future Land Power

Opening piece by the Staff Band of the Norwegian Armed Forces

Opening speech by Bjørn Arild Gram, Minister of Defence

Major General Lars Lervik, Chief of the Norwegian Army

Keynote speaker to be announced soon

Keynote: Lt. Gen. John S Kolasheski, Commanding General of the V Corps, U.S. Army


12:30-10:30: Lunch break
Bbq and refreshments served by Veteran meets veteran

Session II:
13:10-15:30 Perspectives on Future LandPower in the Nordic region

Music by His Majesty the King’s Guard Band

The Norwegian Army’s Award for Respect,Responsibility, Courage

The Norwegian Army’s Innovation Award

Major General Lars Lervik, Chief of the Norwegian Army

Kristian Simonsen, Command Sergeant Major ofthe Norwegian Army

Keynote: General Sir Patrick Sanders, Chief of theGeneral Staff,
the British Army

Major General Jonny Lindfors, Commander of the Swedish Army

Lt. General Pasi Välimäki, Commander of the Finnish Army

Chief of the Royal Danish Army, Major General Gunner Arpe Nielsen

Major General Lars Lervik, Chief of the Norwegian Army